Sunday Sauvignon 5

Ft. Estancia Cabernet Sauvignon

I wish I was the type of writer who could sit down with a blithe story that somehow tied back to the simple joys of winding down the week with a bottle of Cabernet.  Something that made you, dear reader, feel warm and hopeful in a way that has nothing to do with wine. An anecdote that made you wish you were here at my dining room table, trying a new wine, revealing in the fact that I’m not only an excellent storyteller, but also a fine judge of wine.

Practice, I suppose. Writing, like wine, is an aged process. Which I guess means that writing about wine is double aged? Wow. Clearly, I’m succeeding on all fronts. I guess what I’m saying is – if you know what you want, then go get it. Work at it. Practice it. And right now, pretty much all I want is to pour another glass of wine. No matter what you’re practicing, I hope this week brings you the clarity and progress you’re looking for. I’ll keep working on it if you do. And I promise these stories will keep getting blithier as well.

So… wine! This week I popped open a bottle from Estancia. This particular cab sauv is from the Paso Robles region of California, and truly encapsulates the Bordeaux varietals that grow so well in that area. This particular cab – much like Bordeaux reds in general – is bold and structured. And at under $15, a great value for such a non-occasion as curling up on the couch and sending the weekend off in style.

A quick rundown of this bottle’s tasting notes:

See – What’s particularly striking about this wine is the deep crimson color. In the warm light of my living room my glass glows purple, casting an almost aubergine shadow across my hand. And across my lips.

Smell – 4/5 – Silky notes of vanilla and tobacco couple with spicy cherry like a ménage à trois that I am here for.

Sip – 3/5 – The first sips seemed a bit thin. With strong notes of strawberry and almost a charcoal-like finish. Not bad necessarily, but I didn’t have the highest hopes.

Savor – 4/5 – BUT! Lo-and-behold, I decanted this wine and kind of forgot about it while I went to work out. And – what do ya know? I didn’t give it enough credit. I’ve found this to be the case with many Bordeaux wines, so I’m not surprised that this one, too, improved with more time out of the bottle. Sippable flavors of blackberry and ginger give way to peppery finish in a way that’s comforting and lavish in all the best ways.

A good wine needs to breathe. And so, my friend, do you. I hope you go into this week setting clear intentions, but also with grace for yourself and other. Everything takes practice, and I’m right here putting in the work with you.

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