About The Backyard Sommelier

Hi there!

A few years ago I made a resolution to learn more about wine – how to pair it, how to talk about it, how to articulate what I like and why. I love wine unapologetically, and I’m not a snob about it. Here you can expect wines in the $15-$25 range, but don’t be surprised if I can’t stop talking about a great find for $8.99 or splurge on something a bit fancier. Other things you can look forward to: pairing suggestions, random trivia, puns.

Backyard… Sommelier?

Am I a sommelier? No. Although I have such respect for those who are (the documentary Somm blew my mind). Would I like to become one someday? Maybe… but I just finished grad school for something else entirely, so we’ll see about that. I’m not pretending to be an expert by any stretch of the imagination. I know what I like to drink at the end of a long day, when I want to make a Tuesday night feel special, and when I’m surrounded by friends around a bonfire. So here’s to learning more about the world of wine and having some fun as we go.

Cheers, friends!
Thanks for reading along. Pull up a chair and welcome to my backyard.