Sunday Sauvignon 6

Ft. Acronym Cabernet Sauvignon



Noun – an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word.

In addition to wine, I love grammar. And even more, I love being precise. One time a professor of mine in college told me he’d never met anyone so invested in being accurate. Tbh, I want that included in my obituary one day. A little lesson for you – tbh is initialism. For further clarification, an abbreviation is a truncated word; an acronym is made up of parts of the phrase it stands for and is pronounced as a word (like NASA or SCUBA); and initialism is pronounced as individual letters – like LOL, BFF, OMG… so, you know, all the words printed on this bottle. I see you, Acronym Wine. Or should I say Initialism Wine. Which isn’t as catchy, I will admit. I would prefer to be right and also catchy, but in a pinch, I will take right every time.

And speaking of right, the taste of this wine gets there. While not overly complex, it’s not offensive. It pairs well with Sunday night – feet up on the coffee table. Not bothered by much at all. Exactly the kind of pour you want to wind down your weekend.

Sip – the first thing that pops with this wine is its bright acidity. Honestly, at first sip, this is not a mellow wine. Rather, it’s tart and instantly refreshing. Vibrant. Beckoning.

Savor – The punchiness at first sip mellows nicely into a most-drinkable Cab. There are no abbreviations of flavor here… see what I did there? Again, I need to stress that this particular wine lacks the bold, nuanced flavors of some of the other cabernet sauvignon wines I’ve featured on this blog.

But! There’s plenty to LYLAS, IKR?

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