Salud a Tempranillo

Ft. La Enfermera Tempranillo, 2017

Hola y beinvenido a una nueva semana. Además, Happy Lunes to this bottle of tempranillo y solo this bottle of tempranillo.

Oh, does my high school Spanish impress you? Just wait. The more Spanish wine I drink the better it gets.

Anyway, I don’t know what the weather was like where you live, but today in my town it was dreary bleary bleak. One of those days where you just want to work from bed, or (even better) stay in bed and not work. But, alas, I am (gratefully) employed with an office all to myself. Which is a good enough reason to get out of bed, brush my hair, and put on real pants. Also, actually leaving the house better qualifies you to think, “Man, I deserve to house a whole bottle of wine tonight. I did work!”

Enter Tempranillo. A hug in a cup. A spicy, happy glass (no, goblet… you’ve earned it) of warmth. This bottle from Total Wine is especially on this most autumnal of autumn evenings. Spanish for “the nurse” this bad boy will cure your case of the Mondays. Or the Tuesdays. Or the endless quarantine days.

Bottom line – La Enfermera has the juice. The tannins. The flavors of blackberry and cranberry and love. It’s sub $10, so you don’t have anything to lose. Pair it with Sleepy Hollow and cheeze-its and thank me later.

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