The Great Trader Joe’s Meritage Debate

Ft. Trader Joe’s Petite Reserve Meritage and Grand Reserve Meritage (both 2018)

Last week I posted a highly scientific survey over on Instagram as to which Trader Joe’s Meritage would win a in a debate. I want to take a moment to tell you and the universe that I don’t take this election lightly. More than ever, your vote is critical. So, be informed of your choices and make a plan to vote. Between now and November 3 (and, hell, probably several days after that) you can find me here. Drinking. It’s how I cope.

But back to the poll on the night of the VP Debate. I’ll be honest, I got pretty sloshed that night and don’t remember what the Petite Reserve tasted like. Blame the martini. And then the second martini. It’s fine. So, by default I guess (by default, really) the Grand Reserve Meritage was a shoo-in to win… get it? Shoo-in… fly… the VP Debate? Yeah, it was a stretch. But let’s talk about some Meritage, shall we?

For one, it’s Meritage like heritage. Not Meritaaaaajjjhhh. Meritage wines are a New World (i.e. not grown in Europe) wine blended in the more traditional Bordeaux-style. And as a general rule, a red Meritage must contain at least two Bordeaux grapes. Meritage wines are delicious and are frequently counted among the world’s highest rated bottles. So, can you get a good Meritage at Trader Joe’s? And for under $15? In short… kinda.

From what I remember of the Petite Reserve Meritage, it was a bit thin. Yet, it often shows up on Best Trader Joe’s Wines under $10 lists. For $6.99, get it. It’s better than Charles Shaw, better than Whole Foods cheap wine, better than Barefoot. Are there better cheap wines at Trader Joe’s? Absolutely. And we’ll get there eventually, trust.

If you want to spend a little more, like, say $12.99, may I present for your consideration the Trader Joe’s 2018 Grand Reserve Meritage? This full-bodied, dry Meritage is almost aubergine in color. Pleasantly sweet in a way that’s not very sweet at all, the 2018 Meritage hails from Napa. With notes of tart blackberries, a touch of allspice… and is that graphite? No! That’s a stupid tasting note, people.

This wine drinks smooth, y’all. I hope you will try it. And I also hope you will vote.

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